Archive - Nao Yamamoto

Past News

2023. 11. 5: Presented at the BEER XVI symposium

2023. 10. 25: Our research paper on BMI trajectories and mortality risk has been published in the IJE Check it here!

2023. 9. 25: Invited to give a talk at the Hokkaido HPV Vaccination Seminar to promote HPV vaccination

2023. 9. 22: Selected for a travel award by the BEER Awards Committee for the upcoming BEER XVI symposium

2023. 8. 1: Started a new job as a Postdoctoral Fellow at New York University Langone Health!

2023. 7. 26: Back in the USA!

2023. 7. 11 - 7. 13: Visited iBLab at Nagoya University

2023. 7. 8: Visited the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)

2023. 6. 27 - 7. 1: Presented at the 8th CIJK Conference

2023. 5. 8: Hooded by my advisor, Dr. Haiyan Wang!

2023. 5. 5: My story and appreciation to my advisor were spotlighted in ASU News!

2023. 4. 28: Featured on social media by the School of Human Evolution and Social Change SHESC!

2023. 4. 28: Attended the 30th Annual Research Symposium SOLS as a judge

2023. 4. 27: Attended the ASU GPSA end-of-year awards ceremony

2023. 4. 5: Our research paper on nutrition-health associations has been published in eLife Check it here!

2023. 3. 29: Passed my dissertation defense!!!

2022. 12. 15: Presented at NPO akta

2022. 12. 02: Fall 2022 has ended! It was another great semester with my great students :)!

2022. 10. 20: Received the Fall 2022 ASU GPSA Outstanding Mentorship Award

2022. 9. 8: Presented at MIDAS 2022

2022. 9. 6: Presented at JSMB 2022

2022. 9. 1: Invited for a GPSA awards zoom FAQ session as a past award winner

2022. 8. 18: Fall 2022 has started! I will be teaching Calculus with Analytic Geometry III

2022. 7. 25: Received the GPSA travel grant 2022

2022. 6. 25 - 7. 2: Visited Indiana University Bloomington

2022. 6. 13: Gave a lecture on Sensitivity Analysis at Quantitative Research in the Life and Social Sciences Program (QRLSSP)

2022. 6. 2: Gave a lecture on Parameter Estimation at Quantitative Research in the Life and Social Sciences Program (QRLSSP)

2022. 4. 22: Attended 29th Annual Research Symposium SOLS as a judge

2022. 4. 15: Received the Summer Writing Fellowship for the 2022 Summer semester

2022. 4. 15: Received the Spring 2022 ASU GPSA Outstanding Research Award

2022. 4. 15: Received the Spring 2022 ASU GPSA Teaching Excellence Award

2022. 4. 11: Received the College's Graduate Excellence Award at ASU

2022. 4. 7: Received a support to attend the 2022 Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases Conference (EEID 2022) from the MIDAS Coordination Center

2022. 2. 23: Our research paper on PrEP CEA has been published in Scientific Reports Check it here!

2021. 11. 14: Presented at e-BEER 2021

2021. 11. 12: Presented at Kanazawa Analysis Seminar

2021. 9. 15: Received Graduate College Q2 Online/Remote Travel Award at ASU

2021. 8. 28: Presented at Nishihara Summer Camp

2021. 8. 9: Started a new position as Instructor at School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, ASU

2021. 8. 2-6: Attended The 2021 Network Modeling for Epidemics

2021. 7. 5: Received Graduate College Q1 Online/Remote Travel Award at ASU

2021. 6. 18: Received a 10x Genomics poster prize at SMB 2021 Annual Meeting

2021. 6. 15: Presented at SMB 2021 Annual Meeting

2021. 6. 1 - 7. 30: Tutor/mentor at QRLSSP

2021. 5. 10-14: Attended MIDAS Network Annual Meeting 2021

2021. 4. 19: Awarded a GPSA Publication Grant at ASU

2021. 4. 1-23: Presented at Virtual Graduate Student Poster Contest at ASU

2021. 3. 31: Presented at Science and Mathematics Colloquium Series at ASU

2021. 3. 10: Our research paper on COVID-19/HIV has been published in JAIDS Check it here!

2021. 3. 4: Our research paper on COVID-19 has been accepted to IDM Check it here!

2020. 11. 14: Presented at Symposium on BEER

2020. 11. 13: Presented at Math Bio Seminar at ASU

2020. 11. 6-13: Presented at Virtual Graduate Student Poster Contest at ASU

2020. 9. 19-21: Presented at Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology Conference 2020

2020. 7. 20-24: Attended The Summer Institute for Statistics in Big Data at University of Washington

2020. 7. 15: Our research paper on COVID-19 has been published

2020. 7. 6-10: Attended 23rd International AIDS Conference

2020. 6. 1 - 7. 24: Tutor/mentor at Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute

2020. 1. 6: First day at Arizona State University

2019. 11. 27-29: Attended The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for AIDS Research

2019. 11. 6-8: Attended Neo Virus Meeting

2019. 9. 14-16: Presented at Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology Conference 2019

2019. 9. 13: Presented at Meeting for Young Scientist for Mathematical Biology

2019. 8. 29: Presented at Summer school in Hayama

2019. 8. 17: Presented at Seminar in Ishigaki

2019. 7.13: Presented at International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics

2019. 7. 7-9: Attended Seminar in Hida Takayama

2019. 6.11: Presented at Neo Virus Meeting

2019. 5.28: Presented at Virus Camp 2019 in Yugawara

2019. 4.1 Started working at Kyushu University

2019. 1.17-18: Presented at IMAID 2018

2018. 10. 24-26: Attended The 77th Annual Meetings of JSPH

2018. 8. 16-19: Attended Nishihara cultural foundation summer camp 2018

2018. 8. 1-10: Coordinated Summer bootcamp of infectious disease modeling, 2018

2018. 7. 5-9: Attended AIMS conference series in Taiwan

2017. 10. 23-24: Organized IMAID 2017

2017. 10. 6-8: Attended Annual meeting of JSMB 2017

2017. 8. 1-10: Coordinated Summer bootcamp of infectious disease modeling, 2017