Nao Yamamoto' Website  


2024. 12. 3: Invited to speak to 8th graders at Hunter’s Point Community Middle School on the topic of epidemiology

2024. 8. 16: Invited to give a talk at Infectious Disease Modeling Workshop at University of Karachi

2024. 8. 2: Our research paper on New York City Mpox outbreak has been published in the Journal of Medical Virology Check it here!

2024. 7. 21 - 26: Attended AIDS 2024

2024. 7. 6: Invited to give a talk at Mathematical Modeling for Public Health

2024. 7. 5: Presented at KSMB-SMB 2024

2024. 6. 7: Successfully completed the Fundamentals of Teaching 2024 course at NYU Langone and received my certification

2024. 6. 4: Selected for a travel fund by the JSMB for the upcoming KSMB-SMB 2024

2024. 5. 29: Invited to give a lecture on Sensitivity Analysis at QRLSSP

2024. 5. 24: Invited for a discussion with my PhD advisor at AUS West Campus

2024. 5. 10: Attended TriCon CTSA Translational Science Day

2024. 5. 6: Attended Health, Healthcare And... Climate Action

2024. 4. 23 - 26: Attended SciPhD Business of Science certificate program and received certification

2024. 4. 7: Attended the Science Comedy Workshop and received certification

2024. 4. 4: Presented at NYC Epidemiology Forum

2024. 1. 24: Invited to give a talk at the Infectious Disease Modelling Workshop at Aga Khan University

2024. 1. 1: HAPPY NEW YEAR :)!

2023. 11. 5: Presented at the BEER XVI symposium

2023. 10. 25: Our research paper on BMI trajectories and mortality risk has been published in the IJE Check it here!

2023. 9. 25: Invited to give a talk at the Hokkaido HPV Vaccination Seminar to promote HPV vaccination

2023. 9. 22: Selected for a travel award by the BEER Awards Committee for the upcoming BEER XVI symposium

2023. 8. 1: Started a new job as a Postdoctoral Fellow at New York University Langone Health!

2023. 7. 26: Back in the USA!

2023. 7. 11 - 7. 13: Visited iBLab at Nagoya University

2023. 7. 8: Visited the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)

2023. 6. 27 - 7. 1: Presented at the 8th CIJK Conference

2023. 5. 8: Hooded by my advisor, Dr. Haiyan Wang!

2023. 5. 5: My story and appreciation to my advisor were spotlighted in ASU News!

2023. 4. 28: Featured on social media by the School of Human Evolution and Social Change SHESC!

2023. 4. 28: Attended the 30th Annual Research Symposium SOLS as a judge

2023. 4. 27: Attended the ASU GPSA end-of-year awards ceremony

2023. 4. 5: Our research paper on nutrition-health associations has been published in eLife Check it here!

2023. 3. 29: Passed my dissertation defense!!!

Past news



  1. PhD in Applied Mathematics for Life and Social Sciences, Arizona State University
  2. Master of Public Health, Hokkaido University
  3. BSc in Mathematics, University of British Columbia
  4. Liberal Arts and Sciences, Capilano University


  1. Instructor, Arizona State University
  2. Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, Arizona State University
  3. Technical Staff, Kyushu University
  4. Research Assistant, Hokkaido University
  5. Teaching Assistant, Hokkaido University
  6. Research Assistant, The University of Tokyo


  1. Body mass index trajectories and mortality risk in Japan using a population-based prospective cohort study: the Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study - Published on October 25, 2023
  2. Bias in nutrition-health associations is not eliminated by excluding extreme reporters in empirical or simulation studies - Published on April 5, 2023
  3. Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a pre-exposure prophylaxis program for HIV prevention for men who have sex with men in Japan - Published on February 23, 2022


  1. Contributions of Early HIV Epidemic Fluctuations to Persistent HIV Hotspots in sub-Saharan Africa: A Mathematical Modeling Study, NYC Epidemiology Forum, April 4, 2024
  2. Infectious disease modeling, Workshop for Infectious Disease Modelling: An Introduction, Aga Khan University, January 24, 2024
  3. Integrating Spatial-Temporal Dynamics and Graph Embedding in PDE-Based Models for Predicting COVID-19 Spread, BEER 2023, November 6, 2023